Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yoga Position of the Day

Ok, I have been trying tons of new things to see what makes me feel energized. I didn't want to do yoga at first bc I already have a few strikes against me (vegan, tall and skinny) and I didn't want to stereotype myself any further. Well, too late! I find that yoga is the one means of exercise that I can get into! I find it powerful and relaxing. My goal with posting yoga positions is to encourage everyone to give it a try, even if it is one position a day! So for today, let's do a nice relaxing one.

I am pulling my inspiration from a box of yoga cards that I had picked up a year ago. They are from Rodney Yee and it is called Yoga the poetry of the body. You can buy them yourself here His website is also pretty cool with online videos and everything!

Ok, to the move...
Name: Mountain Pose/ Tadasana
Time: 15 seconds to 1 min
Feel: Feel the strength of your legs rooting into the ground-- a visceral connection to the earth. Then, as your legs root downward, feel your supple spine rise up. Broaden your back body as you lift your upper chest, expanding your collarbones into the wings of your arms. Feel the natural curves of your spine--length, width, and depth without rigidity.
My pointer: Remember to relax your shoulders. You will see just how stressed you are when your shoulders keep creeping up to your ears!

Good Luck

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