Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quick Apple Butter

Hey everyone. Yes I slacked off again. With the holidays creeping up and school stuff getting in the way of fun, I have left you behind. I am sorry! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! I wanted to share with you a super easy and quick "recipe" for apple butter.

I love apple butter on my toast in the morning around the holidays. So, instead of buying one at the store (which can be pricey) I throw some of my own together. I used to make it with fresh apples, delicious yet time consuming. So now, I grab a jar of organic unsweetened apple sauce and my cinnamon and nutmeg shakers.

The how to...
1 jar of unsweetened apple sauce
  1. place on stove top over medium heat (you are try to reduce it down)
  2. stir occasionally to prevent burning
  3. add cinnamon and nutmeg to your taste. I like a lot of cinnamon and a couple dashes of nutmeg. (yes it is this simple)
  4. When you notice that the apple sauce starts to get thick, you are done. 
I do not add sugar to mine bc I like for it to remain on the healthier side. If you need it, add some to taste.

If you are into canning, this would make an awesome holiday gift. Throw a little piece of fabric over the top and some ribbon. Homemade love!!!