Ok I am all over the place with ideas for this blog! Today will be a money saving tip that doubles as a green tip! Here we go....
Cut your sponges in HALF!I was told once while in line at Trader
Joes to cut my sponges in half to save money. I think this was one of the best tips ever! I have been cutting my sponges in half for years now and save a ton of money, not to mention create less waste!
If you haven't already, start buying plant based sponges. I sound like an advertisement for Trader Joe's over here, but they have an awesome brand that I believe is from France. They are yellow, and squished flat in the packaging. I was sticker shocked the first time I saw the price, but cutting them in half really saves on the wallet!
PLUS: They don't get stinky for a long time! They lack that chemical treatment that is supposed to be antimicrobial (aka not good for the
enviro!). If you notice the sponge to being yucky, throw it in the dishwasher!! Don't have one, drop it in a pot of boiling water! This kills the bacteria!
Share this idea with a friend! Or better yet, gift cut sponges to a friend to try them out! I gave my mom the pack of sponges cut in half a year ago and she is still finishing them up!