Ok, you may or may not know, but most chap sticks are not vegan. Not talking about the beeswax either, but lanolin. Lanolin [German : from Latin lāna=wool + Latin oleum=oil] also called Adeps Lanae, wool wax, wool fat, anhydrous wool fat or wool grease, is a greasy yellow substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals, with the vast majority of it used by humans coming from domestic sheep.
Gross right??? I found out one of the process of how they get it. *gags*. You are putting sheep sweat on your lips, and eating it!
I found a brand that is vegan, has many flavors, and actually moisturizes :) It is 70% organic. Not bad.
I found it in the Bay Area at local health food stores. Wholefoods by my house did not have it. I bought it in Half Moon Bay @ Oasis Natural Foods Store.
I am only writing this bc it is only recently that I had a hard time finding a vegan chap stick.
You can order this online at http://www.merryhempsters.com/.
If for some reason you know why I should not be using this product, please inform me. It's slim pickins out there!